You can get involved on stage or backstage with one or more of the full scale productions that we do every year:
- MANCEP Shakespeare Festival (November)
- Dance Showcase (February)
- College Musical (January)
- College Play (July)
Check out our box office by CLICKING HERE
Get in touch with Mr Price (Head of Performing Arts) to find out more

About College Productions
College productions are open to everyone at Loreto. We host auditions for all the performances. The shows are led by a highly experienced team of staff who are specialists in performance. You can also take part backsatge, front of house or even in marketing and sales for the shows.

Where & When?
Rehearsals take place two to three times a week from 4-5.30pm or in the lunchtimes depending on the show we are working on.

- Presentation Skills
- Confidence
- Teamwork
- Performance
- Leadership
- Public Speaking
- Improvising