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Loreto Bees head to their Winter Cluster

Curious about what happens to bees during the winter? Miles McGennity, Loreto College’s Head of Human Resources and head beekeeper, explains. Both of Loreto’s beehives have entered winter with ample honey stores. Honeybees are industrious creatures that tend to overproduce.

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The Medical Maverick Academy visit Loreto

In October, Loreto’s Biology students participated in an exciting workshop exploring various careers in healthcare and auxiliary fields related to A-level biology. During the session, students learned about a wide range of careers and had the opportunity to use different

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Loreto’s Fashion and Textiles students make a splash at Victoria Baths

Last summer our creative subjects joined forces to produce the Fashion and Textiles end-of-year show. Set against the backdrop of Victoria Baths, a local landmark known for its historical significance and cinematic appeal, this year’s fashion show took on a

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Loreto’s ICT students explore the National Football Museum

Loreto College students studying BTEC Level 2 in Information and Creative Technology (ICT) recently visited The National Football Museum in Manchester as part of their coursework project. Their project focuses on the use of multimedia technology by various organizations. During

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Our 2024 exam highlights

Best ever results, above National Averages across all measures

Read about 2024 Results here
  • 99.4%

    Pass rate above the national average

  • 60%

    high grades (A*-B) awarded. Well above national average

  • 3105

    high grades awarded on level 3 courses


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How about a career in Law? No need to wait, you can start your studies at college. Choose A Level Law with us.

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#law #legal #alevellaw #legalsystem
#bealawyer #lawcareers
#royalcourtsofjustice #barmocktrial

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Aspiring to a career in cyber security, games design or software development? One of our Vocational Computing courses, might be right for you!

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#computing #it #btec
#bteccomputing #vocationaleducation #pearsoncomputing

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Wishing a joyful Lunar New Year to all our staff and students celebrating! 🥳

#lunarnewyear2025🐍 #YearOfTheSnake

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Are you creative or have a passion for visual arts? Why not consider choosing A Level Fine Art with us? @loreto_art_and_design_dept

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#art #fineart #alevelfineart #alevelart #creativeindustry #illustration

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About 6 weeks ago, our Environmental Group spent some of their lunchtime planting bulbs with #SowtheCity, and look what we just found bursting through the Moss Side soil: our first snowdrop!

#sustainability ##Biodiversity #loretosustainability

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Today, we join the worldwide Loreto community in celebrating the birth of our founder, Mary Ward 🎉
#Loreto #maryward

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For those of you following the Presidential Inauguration Day in USA today, studying A Level Politics with us, might be the right subject for you #ukpolitcs #alevel
#alevelpoltics #parliament #whitehouse

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Are you curious about the power of language and its impact on communication in our everyday lives?
Why not study A Level English Language with us? @loretocollegeenglish

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#alevelenglish #alevelenglishlanguage #english #englishlanguage #linguistics #studyenglish #alevels

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You are ACCELERATING and building MOMENTUM through your studies. Maybe you have a passion for Physics.

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#alevel #alevelphysics #physics #physicsalevel

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**Update on Loreto`s campus expansion!**
St Vincent’s is our new three-storey building, which includes a 200-seat lecture theatre, 20 additional classrooms and a new study centre. The facility will feature many sustainable elements, demonstrating our commitment to environmental responsibility, such as air source heat pumps and electric vehicle charging points. You can follow the progress of the construction on our YouTube channel.

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#newbuilding #loretocollege #excitingtimes

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A New Year, why not study a new subject from the ones your studied at GCSE. Study Psychology with us

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#alevelpsychology #psychology #psychologyalevel

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All Greater Manchester bus services will join the Bee Network on Monday 6 January 2025. Don`t be late for your first day back to #loretocollegemcr; check the College bus timetables for any changes 🚌
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#beenetwork #firstdaybacktocollege

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