31 Oxbridge Offers for 2025

31 Oxbridge offers: This year 31 Loreto College students have had an offer to study at one of  the top two universities in the UK: University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. The subjects are wide ranging: Engineering, Geography, Medicine,

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Little Women on stage at Loreto

The last performance of Loreto’s jam packed season of Performance was a production of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. For those unfamiliar with Alcott’s novel, Little Women is a coming-of-age story that centres around the March sisters, who find themselves newly poor

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Results Day 2024 – Above all National averages

Loreto Sixth Form College students and staff are delighted to celebrate their best A Level and Level 3 results yet!   99.4% Pass rate at A Level  60% A* – B grades awarded at A Level   100% pass rate

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Exciting new build and campus extension

Loreto College is thrilled to announce an ambitious building project, at the heart of which is the commitment to providing exceptional education and promoting sustainability. The construction work currently underway across the campus is set to transform the college’s facilities,

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Loreto Trip to Granada, Spain

Loreto College’s three-day trip to Granada, Spain was an unforgettable experience filled with culture, history, and the vibrant spirit of flamenco. On the first day, we kicked off with a visit to the Mirador de San Nicolás. We were able

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Foluso: From Loreto to The Apprentice

[DP] Foluso, thank you so much for coming. Would you mind starting by telling everyone about your journey so far? You’re quite local, aren’t you? [FF] Yeah, so I’m from Moss Side from Manchester born and bred, lived in Moss

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Continued Oxbridge success at Loreto College

Loreto College has long built its reputation for providing excellent support for academically ambitious students who aspire to study at the most prestigious universities. This year 22 Loreto College students have received offers to study at the Oxbridge universities (pictured

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MANCEP Shakespeare Festival 2023

As Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women, merely players”. 200 students from across Manchester took part in this year’s MANCEP Shakespeare Festival, hosted at Loreto College

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Theatre trip: Romeo & Juliet

45 Drama and Performing Arts students went to see the recent production of Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester.    

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17 Oxbridge Offers for 2023

17 Oxbridge offers: This year 17 Loreto College students have had their places confirmed by the top two universities in the world: University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Students will be reading a range of subjects including Medicine, Maths,

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Loreto students named Top Performers in Fine Art

Mia Dixon and Eve Zebedee have been informed that their A Level exam work placed them as the top performers in the country for Fine Art (OCR exam board). Both students achieved maximum marks for 200/200. We had the pleasure

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Results Day 2023

Loreto Sixth Form College students and staff have delivered another set of superb results! As a college community, Loreto has a long and proud history of academic achievement and outstanding results and the class of 2023 are no different. 99.3%

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Exam Results Day Information 2023

With Results Day just around the corner, here’s all you need to know about the day.

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A Tribute to Sr Cyril Mooney

The entire Loreto community pays tribute to Loreto Sister, Cyril Mooney who passed away recently at the age of 86. Sr Cyril was Loreto sister who was born in Ireland, but since 1956 spent her life working out in India

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Geography Iceland trip

Loreto geographers returned from an amazing five day trip to Iceland, where they had the opportunity to see some of the most unique geographical features in the world, including new land being created by tectonic plate movements, dramatic waterfalls, beautiful

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Dance students perform at Lowry Theatre

It was a sell out at the Lowry Theatre, 450 members of the audience were wowed by the storytelling and performance skills of our talented dance students

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