Establishing a study routine at Loreto College

We expect all students to attend all lessons and tutorials. However, students may leave College when they are free: they can also relax in the student cafeterias, use the College library or one of the study centres located in Ball, Ward and E&K buildings.

If students need to leave College at any other time, they should see their Head of Hall and sign out at reception or via the First Aid Room.


Research in Sixth Forms shows a considerable link between examination success and high attendance levels. It is the expectation that students should achieve no less than 100% attendance and therefore attendance will be carefully monitored across all aspects of a student’s timetable.

There may be exceptional circumstances where a student cannot attend and these absences have been listed below and will be recorded as authorised absences. Absences will only be approved if the reason for absence is unavoidable and the evidence has been provided prior to the event. No absences will be authorised retrospectively beyond two weeks of the absence taking place.

Authorised Absences

  • University open days (3 maximum)
  • University interviews
  • Hospital / orthodontist appointments / serious illness supported by appropriate evidence
  • Practical driving test
  • Bereavement / funeral
  • Religious holidays

Unauthorised absences

If the following reasons are given for absences, they WILL NOT be authorised:

  • Routine medical and dental appointments as they should be booked outside of class times
  • Sickness
  • Driving lessons
  • Driving theory tests
  • Holidays taken in term time.

Absence Notification

Parents/carers are required to notify College of all absences be it authorised or unauthorised for safeguarding purposes. Notification can be given by either telephoning College or via the Parent Portal.