Following direction from Ofqual, students completing A Level & GCSE qualifications in Summer 2020 have been awarded Centre Assessed Grades (awarded by the College) or their Calculated Grade (awarded by Ofqual and based on an algorithm) whichever is higher. The College took a consistent and holistic view of student performance in-line with published Ofqual guidance and considered that students would have taken positive steps to prepare for the completion of qualifications.

A range of factors were considered as contributing to a student’s academic profile including:

  • internal exam data (both the Upper Sixth Christmas exams and Lower Sixth March internal exams)
  • independent work
  • coursework – as applicable

The College also drew on other contextual information including:

  • Exam Access Arrangements
  • relevant external circumstances for students which could impact on their academic profile

A Quality Assurance process then took place which included:

  • review of subject processes and grades at departmental level
  • review of subject processes and grades by senior members of staff

The holistic and consistent approach was subject to a rigorous quality assurance process. The process, conducted with senior members of staff, examined what actions had been taken to ensure fair and consistent awarding of Centre Assessment Grades.


We are awaiting updated guidance on appeals from exam boards and Ofqual and will publish this once available. Please do not contact individual teachers regarding your Centre Assessed Grades.

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