Written by student Bob Koropisz
Playing at Band on the Wall was an unforgettable experience. I felt that for one night, I was living the life of a professional musician. As a trumpeter, I felt this venue was the place to be. The dark-lit jazz club created an excellent ambiance for the music we performed. I first played with the Loreto college big band led by Graham South. I was privileged enough to be given the opportunity to play an improvised solo out in front of the band, this was a fantastic and overwhelming experience as the focus was on me improvising in front of many people – a dream come true. To close the evening’s entertainment, our U6 Funk and Soul band took to the stage led by Mr David Lloyd-Mostyn, who also arranged our pieces. This felt much more exposed as we only had one of each instrument. Being the only trumpeter meant I could interpret the music any way I liked – this also applied to other members of the group. Our three vocalists dominated the stage in this set and it was an incredible feeling to have performed side by side with such talented musicians. After leaving the stage, the audience called for an encore and we swiftly returned with an impromptu performance of “you might need somebody” – this was not rehearsed and it went down a charm. Band on the Wall was a brilliant experience and I am devastated to be leaving the college music department, however, I am leaving with memories and friendships that will be with me for the rest of my life.
Loreto student Maddy Thomas, who watched the performance said “The atmosphere in the audience throughout the Funk group set was brilliant; people of all ages joined in dancing and singing along to the performance. The way the three singers communicated with the audience and performed so confidently was inspiring. The concert showed how Loreto, through music, can bring people together, it was a lovely night”.